Monday, 12 December 2011

My Journey

I received my camera in May of 2011 (Canon Rebel T2i) with my lens 18mm-55mm.  I have since acquired a UV filter, a polorizing filter, a lens hood and have taken 2 photography courses at SAIT.  I want to get an external flash and a tripod as my next purchases.  I am doing the research right now to figure out which ones will be best with where I want my photography to go.  I originally thought that all I wanted to take pictures of was maternity and new born baby.  I still have a passion for new life and the wonder of it all, but have also acquired a love of family as a whole.  I also want to dabble in engagement photos.  

Here are a few examples of the photographs that I've taken over the last 7 months!

In July I shot my first "family photo shoot".  Looking back at those photos I'd like to redo them, now that I have a bit more experience and a keener eye of what to look for! 

Me, my husband and my son went to Panorama Mountain Resort in August for a family vacation.  There were a lot of beautiful things to take photos of, and the following are some of my favorites.

This one is a bridge that crossed over the river to a second pathway along the mountain:

This broken water pump was along our walk: 
 On our way back from BC, I took this photo from our truck:
 I'm standing on the bridge (from the first photo) to take this picture:

In September I did my 2nd "photo shoot" with my friend, Diana.  We went to Eau Claire and Prince's Island Park.  It was a beautiful fall day and the weather was perfect.  I learned from my first shoot that I needed "closer" shots, rather than trying to encapture the background and surroundings of the people in the photograph.

In  October I did a family photo shoot and it turned out much better than my first attempt at a family photo shoot.  I definitely had more photos to chose from as my favorite from this session:

At the beginning of November, my son and I went to a friends house for a visit and while we were there I took some photos of their family!

Also in November I was asked by a friend to take 1 year old photos of her son and some casual shots of her other son (who is 3).  I knew this was going to be my biggest undertaking, as it was indoors (lighting is much different) and it was two little boys that are on the move!  I had a ton of fun (children have a way of making that happen) and I managed to get a few good photos from it as well:

Thank you to all of my friends and family for volunteering yourselves and your children to help me gain experience and learn each day from mistakes and triumphs!  It's been an interesting road and I'm looking forward to the next 7 months and what they will bring my way! 


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